Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Stage sex...

Knew the title'd get you...

Anyways, as for the quote of the day/face palm moment...

Walking to lunch with a gal and a guy.

“OMG did I tell you about this guy! He just told me he’d had sex in front of a 1000 people!” says the girl, looking fairly appalled!

“... How do you even go about that?” hungry confused moi.

“At a concert, with the hot background dancer. On stage.” She explained.

I’m sure it’s a bit of a girl thing, but we both sort of stared at each other with these ‘fill in random absurd and dumbfounded curses here’ looks. Which was apparently cue for the first boy comment on the matter

“That’s fucking awesome!”


“I mean, he’s scored enough man points for a life time! That’s... No, seriously, he now has enough man points to drive around in a pink fluffy car with butterflies on and he won’t be any less of a man.”

“Because of the man-points?” sometimes I just can’t help myself. Clearly I need to work on the clarity of my sarcasm though...

“Yes! I mean, man, he’s like a legend now!”

And they keep asking why I’m still single and can't seem to stick it out beyond a few weeks with a boy!

xo xo


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