Thursday, 13 August 2009

Gentlemanly bastards...

Oh for fucks sake!

I’m gonna quote a text I just sent off

“Fucking Brit boys and their fucking brit fucking ways! I swear, they all get sent to gentleman fucking school for boys to pass Dick 101. ALL OF THEM!”

That pretty much sums it up... As far as, you know, emotion goes.

I’m sorry but, did Shakespeare really screw you up quite that much? I mean, I refuse to believe that the only reason Romeo paid Juliet much attention was due to her cleavage and the mystery that was her ass. Then again, I suppose it was an even bigger mystery then... But he bloody died for...

Oh never mind!

My point is that there is a whole other Shakespearean issue to deal with now – the Gentleman. The very british tea sipping, door opening, somewhat pompous, and head-held-bloody-high Gentleman. May he rot!

As one of my guy friends so eloquently put it-

“Here I’ll get that.”

“Oh, no really, I can open my own door” *happy sarcasm*

“Hah, you do know WHY guys really open doors don’t you?”

Cue blank stare from myself.

“Well, there's really only one reason... Come on, we wanna be able to check out the gal’s features... You know. “

“ Your bod!” As if this was the most obvious thing since 2+2=4...

Somehow I think that sums up the case pretty well.

Xo xo

PS. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no feministic rally-and-burn-your-bras bull in the above! I’m just saying, we’re all humans... still... unless the Gentlemen are a different species? Hmmm... I could buy that!

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