Saturday, 27 February 2010


Hello all (yes I'm talking to you, that one person who accidentally clicked on the wrong Google link and is now too bored to click the 'back' button)

Been a few weeks (months... oh, details), sowwy. Thought it was about time for a blurb though!

Have decided that despite February being the super-bad-luck-charm for moi (or so it would seem thus far), 2010 is going to be a great year. There will be big changes, good and bad, and lots of scary risk-taking, and maybe even a little bit of amazing thrown in there.

Okay, so TV land related... SPN got renewed *wohoo* and made it to their 100th episode *wohooo*. Precious is nominated all over the place (although I'll admit I wasn't nearly as impressed with the movie as by the trailer, not to say it wasn't a good film with some fantastic acting). The Hurt Locker people slipped some illegal marketing for the Oscars, but that's ok because it's still awesome and I love Kathryn Bigelow (Director) *crosses fingers very hard*. Oh, and I still haven't seen Avatar, so... still clueless of the blue people.

And the Lovelybones is getting painful reviews, say it ain't so!!

Oh well, we shall see... All in good time!
